Are You On A Bus Bench or A Park Bench?

Goal Setting - Part Four

Read Part One Here, Part Two Here, and Part Three Here

Imagine a bench next to a sidewalk. This bench can be located in any town or city anywhere. It might be made of metal, or wood, or concrete. There are people sitting on this bench. What are they doing? Are they waiting for a bus and need to travel somewhere important? Are they sitting and enjoying themselves taking in some fresh air and watching the squirrels frolic? 

Your own habits are similar to that bench. Some of your habits have a deadline and you are using them to get to a future goal that is important to you though the habit itself is a bit of a grind. Some of your habits have become ingrained behaviors and you do them because you enjoy the action in itself and the outcome is an added benefit. Some of these behaviors are so ingrained in your day that you don’t even think about them and you like what they have done for your health.  

A health coach helps you build the habits that become healthy behaviors. Those habits might sometimes be a necessary grind, like waiting on that bus bench for a lift, and some will be more enjoyable. Well engineered habits will always point towards your health vision and in time are intended to become behaviors that you enjoy for the results, and maybe enjoy for the sake of doing the behavior itself. When these habits build and stack upon each other those long term goals that became your health aspirations and the positive outcome you wanted when you started with your Health Coach.

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